• Find your community

    We create compelling resources for women to help them dive into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. Our studies help women seek the heart of God in their lives and go deep in His word together. We were created to be in community with one another!

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introducing (Be) Blessed

Who doesn’t love the idea of being blessed?

Whether it’s over our health, our homes, our relationships or our future, we all desire blessing in our lives. We have a kind and generous Father who loves to lavish good gifts upon His kids. (Be) Blessed is an 8-week small group curriculum focused on the beauty and blessing of the Covenant relationship God has established with us. Through (Be) Blessed, women will gain Biblical wisdom and Holy Spirit transformation in order to understand what it means to connect with God through His Covenant, cast off the mindsets and strongholds that hold us back, and set new rhythms for prioritizing and creating a covenant lifestyle with God.

A New curriculum for women’s small groups

what is be together co.?

check out our newest women’s small group curriculum…

(Be) Blessed

  • An eight week small group curriculum

  • Learning how to create a covenant lifestyle with God

  • Workbook, teachings and leader resources included

  • Video teachings will available for purchase in our store: https://be-together-co.myshopify.com

who are we?

be together co.

Be Together Co. is a MOVEMENT of women who want to build the kingdom of God together. We want to be women who are known by God and desire to disciple other women into a deeper hunger and passion for relationship with Jesus Christ. Women’s small groups at Be Together Co.  are intended to create an environment where healthy and lasting relationships are formed, women are encouraged to pursue freedom and healing, and come expectant for God to move in their lives.

We facilitate this through small group curriculums designed to bring women of all ages and stages together to study the Word of God through worship, prayer and powerful devotionals that are guided by thought provoking guided questions. 

check out our first curriculum (be) you!


Leader resources

Is your greatest desire to bring a small group of women together from your church or community, but you’re not sure where to begin? We can completely relate! We’ve created leader resources especially for YOU, designed to give you the confidence you need to lead a group of ladies through our small group studies.

looking for a deeper dive? 

  • Small group curriculum

  • Video teachings 

  • 5 days of homework designed to help you be in the Word daily 

  • Journal prompts

  • Prayer prompts 

Grab a copy of our 6 week bible study, (be) known: awakening your identity and calling in Jesus.